melto2 wins “Platinum Note” award by Hi-Fi Voice
"...The practical breadth of connectivity and various settings will satisfy even the demanding owner of really great turntables and portables, but absolutely everyone will appreciate the reproduction of vinyl records with an amazingly quiet background and carefully controlled, natural-sounding ...
melto2 reviewed by Watt Audio
"The sound quality of the LAB12 melto2 satisfied me in every way in an exceptional way. It provides a neutral and brilliantly clean performance with excellent detail and accurate delivery of the bass band. With its extremely dark sound ...
gordian reviewed by Audiophile Fr
"The Gordian model that is the subject of this test bench is a configurable noise filtering and power factor correction system that provides fine current filtering. It works through a sophisticated, adaptive network of passive components and an industrial-grade ...
integre4 MK2 Toroidal reviewed by Hxosplus
"Δεν χρειάστηκε πολύς χρόνος ούτε τυφλά τεστ προκειμένου να διαπιστώσουμε την ευεργετική επίδραση του νέου τροφοδοτικού στην συνολική ποιότητα του ήχου. Ο ανανεωμένος ενισχυτής έχει κερδίσει αρκετά σε διαχωρισμό καναλιών (κάτι που επιβεβαιώνεται και στο εργαστήριο) με αποτέλεσμα την ...
dac1 reference reviewed by Rognlien
"The basic features of the reproduction from the LAB12 DAC1 Reference are airy, lively, dynamic, with the well-known naturalness in the midrange, which characterizes NOS DACs of the good, old variety..." "It provides a clearly ear-friendly and clear reproduction ...
gordian reviewd by Stereo+
A great review for the LAB12 Gordian Power Conditoner. Stereo+ rewarded the Gordian with a 9.1/10 in rating. read the review
integre4 MK2 reviewed by Avmentor
"Ο integre4 ΜΚ2 είναι λαμπάτος και το δείχνει, όταν χρειάζεται, όπως πρέπει, χωρίς να σου φορτώνεται με κάποια παλιομοδίτικη μανιέρα περί λαμπάτου ήχου. ... καλοσχεδιασμένος και προσεγμένος από την άποψη της αισθητικής, με μοντέρνο και λειτουργικό user interface (και ...
hpa reviewd by ON-mag
"Handcrafted in Greece, the Lab12 HPA is primarily a headphone amp which can also be used as a preamp and which is equipped with a USB DAC input. Its design is old-fashioned, not to say anachronistic, with tube stages ...
dac1 reference reviewed by Parttime Audiophile
"The Lab12 DAC1 is a non-oversampling tube DAC. That last part is presumably important, because all my audio buddies keep telling me that I need a tube DAC and then I’ll submit to the joys of streaming forever". "I ...
integre4 MK2 reviewed by Hxosplus
"Aν αρχίσεις να ακούς μουσική με τον integre4 MK2 είναι πραγματικά αδύνατο να σταματήσεις..." "Ο integre4 MK2 είναι αδιαμφισβήτητα ένας από τους καλύτερους λαμπάτους ολοκληρωμένους ενισχυτές που έχουν περάσει από τα χέρια μας. Εκμεταλλεύεται στο έπακρο την KT170 και ...
pre1 and dac1 reference reviewed by Alpha-Audio
"Lab12 is an ‘up and coming’ company from Greece that has been quietly working on its portfolio since 2012 and in the meantime has been winning one award after another..." "The Lab12 pre1 is a class A tube pre-stage, ...